Morphed Instruments

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I enjoy incorporating broken or discarded musical instruments into my art. Their initial purpose was to entertain with beautiful sound, and I attempt to harness the residual creative energy and make something visually exciting. I have found multiple sources willing to donate instruments, as many hate to see them melted down or put in a landfill.  Special thanks to Marrell Music, Music Royale, Buckeye Brass, The Violin Loft, and Don Nathan for their help and donations.


Air Guitar

40"x 14" found objects (Guitar, trombone, trumpet, French horn, various clock and instrument parts)


Royal Office Piano

Typewriter and various instrument parts (trombone, sax, french horn, etc.)


Headbangers Ball

Guitar and various found objects (ball bearings, instrument parts, pepper mill, etc.)


Buckeye Brass Chandelier

Lighting using brass instrument parts

Trumpet, trombone bells, plexiglas, various brass parts


Country Room Guitar

Accoustic guitar, reclaimed wood cut and painted to resemble cowboy boots, combined with various other parts



found objects along with instrument parts (Accordion, mirror frame, trumpets, condenser coil, etc.)



reclaimed instrument parts, gauges, found objects.


Compressed Euphony

6" x 6" Reclaimed instrument parts (trumpet, french horn, trombone, etc.)


Bluegrass Moon

reclaimed instrument parts. reclaimed instrument parts (Guitat, Mandolin, Drum, etc.) Illuminates moon and changes green stones to orange with flip of switch

Bluegrass Moon

reclaimed instrument parts. reclaimed instrument parts (Guitat, Mandolin, Drum, etc.) Illuminates moon and changes green stones to orange with flip of switch

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